Legal information :

This website is published by Place du Mac , S.A.S. with a capital of 10,000 euros, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under the number Paris B 842 262 750. The head office of Place du Mac is located at 27 rue de Maubeuge (75009).

Director of publication: Julien Laplanche, President of SAS Place du Mac.

Hosting: OVH SAS (B 424 761 419), OVH, 2 RUE KELLERMANN 59100 ROUBAIX

Information / Contact: For any information you can contact our customer service by phone at +33 6 36 48 13 68 (from 10am to 6pm except weekends and holidays) or by email

Conditions of use of the site

The user acknowledges having read these terms and conditions and agrees to abide by them.

The user acknowledges that he/she has the necessary skills and means to access and use this site.

The user recognizes to have verified that the computer configuration used does not contain any virus and that it is in perfect working order. does not guarantee in any way the exactitude of the contents of the site and declines any responsibility as for the errors and the omissions which could occur. All the information contained in this site are it as an indication and are not accompanied by any guarantee. makes every reasonable effort to ensure that the content of the site is accurate and reserves the right to make changes of any kind at its discretion at any time without notice. assumes no responsibility for any special, incidental or consequential damages resulting from the use of or access to this site or other sites linked to it, including in cases where the site has been informed of possible damages.

Data processing and Freedoms

In application of the law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 modified, relating to data processing, files and freedoms, the Web site was the subject of a declaration (n°1536971) near the National Commission of Data processing and freedoms (

The user is notably informed, in accordance with the article 32 of the Data-processing law and freedoms of January 6th, 1978 modified, that, as person in charge of the treatment, implements a treatment of data in personal matter having for main purposes the management of the inscription of the user to the community site, the sending of newsletters.

Some of the data collected may be communicated to its partners for prospecting purposes.

The fields identified by an asterisk are mandatory. In the absence of answer or if the provided information is erroneous, cannot treat your request.

The user is informed that he has a right of access, of interrogation, and of correction which allows him, if necessary, to make rectify, supplement, update, lock or erase the personal data concerning it which are inaccurate, incomplete, equivocal, out-of-date or whose collection, the use, the communication or the conservation is prohibited.

The user also has the right to object to the processing of his or her data for legitimate reasons, as well as the right to object to the use of such data for commercial prospecting purposes.

The whole of these rights is exerted near by postal mail accompanied by a copy of an identity paper comprising a signature to the following address

Place du Mac
Customer service
51 rue du Faubourg Poissonnière 75009 Paris

Cookies and connection cookies

When a person visits, Placedumac installs cookies on the hard drive of the user's computer.

Cookies are data used by a web server to send status information to a user's browser, and for that browser to send status information back to the originating web server.

Status information can be, for example, a session ID, language, expiration date, response domain, etc.

This status information may be stored by the browser in a variety of ways (a separate text file per cookie, a single file containing all cookies, the ability to encrypt that single file, etc.) or not stored at all: it depends on the type of browser, its version, its configuration, etc.

Some of these cookies are used exclusively to enable or facilitate electronic communication. Others are strictly necessary for the provision of an online communication service.

In any case, the browser settings allow you to be informed of the presence of cookies and possibly to refuse them.

Most browsers are set by default and accept the installation of cookies. However, if you wish, you can deactivate the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings in your browser. Depending on the browser used, the procedure may be different.

Generally, this setting is found in the "Tools" and "Settings" tabs. It is not possible to provide detailed and up-to-date information on these settings, which are under the sole control and authority of the browser software publishers.

For information purposes, users can obtain additional information :

- from the publishers of their navigation software on their website;
- more generally on the CNIL website at by using the keyword "cookies" in search engines.

Your attention is drawn to the fact that by setting your browser to refuse all cookies and other connection cookies necessary to, some features, pages, spaces of the site will not be accessible.

Protection of the content

All content present or made available through the website, such as texts, drawings, graphics, images, music, photos, trademarks and logos, digital downloads, etc., is the property of Place du Mac, its affiliates, or third parties.

This content is protected by intellectual property rights. We draw your attention to the fact that the violation of intellectual property rights is constitutive of the offence of counterfeiting and punishable by law.

Place du Mac does not grant any right on the content and does not authorize its visitors to copy and print on paper any content of its site, only in order to prepare their purchases.

It is formally forbidden for any individual or legal entity to extract, copy, reproduce, modify, retranscribe and/or reuse all or part of the content for any other purpose than preparing purchases on the website, without the express written authorization of the rights holder.

Intellectual property, and in particular its contents, is protected by the texts relating to the right of the intellectual property in force in France.

The use of does not confer any right to the user. These rights remain the exclusive property of SAS Place du mac.

Consequently, the contents available on are reserved and protected by the right of the intellectual property, in particular the royalties, rights close, rights of the marks.

Except written authorization of the SAS Placedumac any reproduction or diffusion constitutes a counterfeit liable to penal sanctions. Any illicit use of whole or part of will give place to pursuits.

Applicable law

The French law is applicable as well for the rules of form as of substance.

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